Friday 8 April 2016

A Car Insurance Minefield

New Driver Looking For Car Insurance

So finally I managed to get around to passing my driving test - 14 years too late I must add! Through an on and off period of around 3 years, I managed to bag myself some lessons, pass my theory and then sneak over the finish line of the practical exam just a few weeks shy of my theory running out! So that was it, I was road legal and I needed wheels! Having moved a few miles from where I had grew up, a car meant i could easily zip back and forth and mingle with familiar surroundings when it suited me, rather than waiting for a lift or public transport!

For me, car insurance was a new concept, yes I was aware of it, but the details and the options available went right over my head. I needed some help so I resorted to everyone's' favorite internet friend......Google! After all, the Lycos dog is just a shadow of his former self, and surely by now he would of had to have been humanely euthanised! Anyway, back to it...I needed information and I found this guide on car insurance

Having read through I was up to speed with everything, I was now armed with the information I required to ensure that I wasn't sold anything I didn't necessarily need. 

Now I am a shrewd man, perhaps too shrewd...It took me 3 days to find a quote I was happy with, when I say that, I mean it took me 3 days to find the cheapest! 

Cutting a long story short, I am now on the road, I'm still no driving expert and never will be, but at least I know I am a little more educated on the subject! I used in the end after days of trawling through quotes. They seemed to deliver me the best priced one with GoSkippy!

I would say that if you are new to driving and have been completely ignorant with insurance, then just have a read and brush up your knowledge! 

Here's to my renewal date......Hopefully I can achieve 1 years no claims bonus!